Mar 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

It’s partly the reason I have a storage unit full of hundreds of books. Classics, Philosophy… essentially no nonsense. It’s a collection that’s been curated from my youth. If you want an idea of where we’re heading read chapter 16/17 of Brave New World…

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All we need is the knowledge and awareness of these things and we have the power to make them go away

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Mar 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I began reading that book last summer and became so depressed I had to give up

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This is the best grasp of what is happening that I have read, coming from the Irish nationalist community. I spent seven years living in silicon valley, three years in Mountain View and four years in Palo Alto, before being deported back to my ancestral homeland of Ireland. The FBI and the OHS couldn't take me any more. I just wouldn't go along with the official narrative of 9 11. The internet is a product of the intelligence community, silicon valley is just a contractor to it. It was given to the civilian population primarily, to tag, track, locate and identify everyone that uses it and store that data forever. The CIA is just MI6 west. All intelligence services feed in to the international money power, the central banking cabal. It's all coordinated at the top. It is important to understand the esoteric aspect behind the money power and their agenda. Like Trotsky said, destroy destroy everything. Trotsky didn't like the Fabian socialist's, they wanted to bring about a one world socialist government over decades and generations. Slowly but surely. In Henry Kissinger's last book, written shortly before his death, he indicates that government would be held.together by a corporate technocratic dictatorship, the social credit score is the method. It comes out of Google. I used to often have lunch there, there is a big sign on the wall in one of it's buildings, Do No Evil. We always wanted to put a K and W at either end of the No. The investment arm of Google is darker than dark. The dark is getting darker because the light is getting brighter. All this was covered in Mathew 23, his last speech before he was arrested. Make Irish babies, prepare and have graceful fun. There is much to look forward to 🕊️❤️🙏☘️

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Mar 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Time to collect as many of the old books as we can. The library sometime gets rid of it's stock to make way for new. You might be able to get free books (if you have the room for them, I don't) but I will get some. Even the Bible will be changed you bet

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Mar 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

The books in my home are my connections to knowledge in a personal way. Not some regurgitated manifestation of AI generated rubbish.

Pictures. Free expression. A proof of events from raw sources.

That cannot die. I won't let it.

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Good work on the young Blair.

Shows how much in advance they plan.

Were such books as 1984 a ‘warning’ or were they designed in a perverse way to acclimatise many to the inevitability of totalitarianism?

Did 1984 by exposing these threats to freedom to huge public scrutiny in any way frustrate their plans?

I don’t think so & the proof is all around us.

If 1984 threatened ‘them’ the book would never have been published by such a publisher as Secker & Warburg and have received the immense publicity it has received over the last 70 years. Animal Farm the same. Also Orwell did not struggle to get these dystopian books published by major publishing houses. Apparently they lapped it up. A clue in itself.

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In the contrary, his books are among the most banned and censored in modern history, in both the communist east and the liberal west.

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The internet and pop culture have forced their hand on it. It has been attacked both left and right.

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