Feb 27Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

It will be a cold day in hell before I give up my paper. Pen. My right to use tangible means to communicate.

AI has ZERO place in my life.

Too steeped in my ways.

Too creative. Too artistic to let go of MY PAPER... ITS MINE.

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Too right

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Feb 27·edited Feb 28Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

👍 Stock up on pens and acid free paper! Learn how to make paper, ink you can make from oak gauls 😉 and buy books.

*galls not gauls! Lol, I'm a grammar nazi not a turn people into ink person 😅

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

To understand what is happening with AI, it greatly helps to view an Interview with Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz ,a former communication official in the USA Govt. The interview is both revealing and disturbing on a level of Julian Assange Wikileaks and Snowdens Vault7 revelations.


Google began as a DARPA grant by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were Stanford PhDs. They got their funding as part of a joint CIA/NSA [US National Security Agency] program to chart how, quote, birds of a feather flock together online through search engine aggregation. One year later, they launched Google and then became a military contractor quickly thereafter. They got Google Maps by purchasing a CIA satellite software, essentially, and the ability to track to use free speech on the internet as a way to circumvent state control over media, over in places like Central Asia, or all around the world, was seen as a way to be able to do Regime changes that used to be done out of CIA station houses or out of embassies or consulates in a way that was totally turbocharged.

Internet free speech technology was initially created by the US national security state. VPNs, virtual private networks and it got away from them for the first few years.


The legacy print Media has been exposed as CIA controlled and has lost relevance. They now seek control of the internet using algoritms to control speech ,push agendas, propaganda. rig elections and subvert democracy and free speech.

We have seen how the Irish Regime controls public opinion by. its control of RTE, Local Radio and Newspapers.

It is likely a CIA base is in the US embassy Dublin to maintain control to protect the many US Corporate interests in Ireland thru'Social Media and promoting the compromosed Regime of FF/FG/G

The game is already afoot with the polling on the coming Referendums showing a majrity YES VOTE, which is dubious when compared to the word on the street.

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Feb 27Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

good piece Stephen, will share!

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Forgot to add, totally by agree stick up on Nb books & pronto out Nb studies and articles.

I’ve seen multiple dissapear, really pivotol ones regarding the vaccines & pre 2019 genome therapy trials.

Emailing things to ourselves isn’t at all foolproof now too.

Now that the email providers are adding provisos info handling things that might be for example “injurious your health” in the harmful remit.

But I guess it’s obv they wouldn’t be a safe vault anyways way things are going.

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Great piece !!

I’ve been thinking about the autonomy of comms re paper and ink too.

Never noticed the distinction between reducing paper and”paperless” wow, right in front of our eyes.

In a problem reaction solution model I wondered how they’d do an abrupt push to rid us of it.

Obv “sustainably” guilt tripping on paper is one, but they must also put some spanner in the works such as a tree virus or distributing “problem”.

No low expensive paper I guess you don’t need to worry about the ink.

Also the pandemic kind of gave pple the ick on touching paper, sharing paper, taking business cards or little info cards placed on cards (easy to make on vista print).

Another contagion and you repeat that.

In a practical sense though pple are become paper averse for news, the costs and value and the there and free of their online comfort zone.

We have all kinds of alternatives.

Stockpile paper, Buying sticker printers and sticker paper stockpile (hard to remove).

As pple said make your own oak galls n bark of like popular, but how anachronistic and low readership.

If we were being listened to and surveilled on a grander scale interpersonal note wouod be important.

Not to sound paranoid but a 5G brag was in a military sense that it couid be optimised to “see” through walls.

We are missing a bastion of surveillance & control in the home WERE devices to be elsewhere.

In that case Tin foil backed umbrella and etch a sketch !:)

I’m going into the realm of future sci fi dystopia but I guess my point is we will always be resistant and there is always hope.

Speaking publicly, HEARING about pple pple speaking publicly is extraordinary spirit lifting empowering.

I haven’t the nerve to do that before current times & as intimidated now with the darkness of it all.

Attending makes me fearful too of being exposed, above radar, destroyed by association from the falsely labelled , it’s shameful and sincere apologies to you who stands up and organises and does.

This knowledge on your socials too is certainly power and let’s hope many more consider what paper free digital data jailers life look like.

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On the 5G thing, i wrote an article before, i will upload it here

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