I'm stunned. I was so strongly against this bill i even wrote to the President and that's the only time i ever wrote to the President in my life. This is the best news of 2024 Stephen - you've no idea how happy i am tonight. I was in bed earlier feeling like i might not get out again - having a rough time of it and i almost completely missed this news .. so that should teach me lol. You should be so proud. We all should. Amazing news. I'm checking Gript media now for their updates too!

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Guess what Larr, you won.

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We will only be properly victorious when we boot McEntee and co. out of government altogether and when there is a true Nationalist government

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More work to do

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Sep 22Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Having said that, this is a huge and much deserved blow to the woke brigade and pc brigade. Hopefully this will be a step towards shutting them up and making them realise that they don't hold all the cards.

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Congratulations on vanquishing the Hate Speech Bill.

But the batttle is not over.

I have no illusions as to the perfidy of this criminal Regime. This was a clearing of the decks for the General Election

FG/FF intend to get re-elected by hook or by crook and will stuff the Electoral roll using the migrant PPS number scam issued without ID.

The accumulated migrant vote can by-pass the physical voting process and be used to swing any targeted constituency using corrupt officials.

THis is the favored US Democrats tactic back as far as the days of Tammany Hall.

Should FG/FF get back in the Hate Speech Law will be back on the agenda. The Globalist Controllers dIemand it.

If you doubt that the Irish Electoral system is anything but pure as the driven snow, I refer you to the recent EU MEP results, where a ragtag of misfits and incompetents got elected unexpectedly.

The primary aim of Power is to retain that Power and avoid the repercussions of years of mismangement and corruption coming due'

100 years of Power of the duopoly of FG/FF have resulted in the total corruption of every Insitution of the State from Justice down. This is the unpalatable reality.

Too many vested interests have much to lose if a new brush comes to clean house.

Expect an onslaught of propaganda from RTE/ Media to 'big up' the criminal charlatans of the Regime and usher them into the Dail to continue their destruction of the Nation.

Time for the People of Ireland to shed their naivety and gullibility if they are to survive. We are no longer in Kansas, Dorothy.


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The new to the parish can’t vote in the Generals. This is a better election for us than we would like to think

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The " New to the Parish " have a prepaid bounty on their heads.

They were sold as slaves and don't know it yet by the same "Cowards " who sold their own people out.

We will look after our neighbours and we will track down the Traitors.

We will follow the money and be under no illusion.

Not 1 of them replied to "Operation Shamrock " FOI for evidence of the magic cure and yet they still pretend to "represent us".

Go Figure or Go F__k yourself b4 they do it again.

Truth is painful but Treason is Parasitic.

"Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " proposes to cure parasites with Truth.

1, God / Source/Creator.

2, Family.

3, Community and Country.

Prove us wrong Political Parasites.

"Probably the best Parasitic remedy in the Free and Sovereign world 🌎 ".

Go figure .

"You fought us all and "We Won".

Goodnight from East Galway hq of the greatest Resistance movement since "Big Ian said "Never" and Maggie said " This lady is not for Turning".

They were both correct and didn't capitulate and neither will we.

History does indeed provide a framework but never a formula.

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They’ll be back, like creatures from the swamp, but with big bucks; stay vigilant!

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Thank you SO MUCH Stephen and to all those mentioned what an incredible win.

Until I read this I hadn’t allowed myself to be positive or be personally celebratory ..

Too used to there being some loophole some sleight of hand I’ve missed, like the pandemic treaty behind the scenes other bill, the front one fails but a more important 1 under rated passes.

This has put it in full context, I really appreciate you doing this and you’re endless capacity to take on this incredible fight of the ages.

Welled up completely about your daughter, beautiful.

My thanks to her too, the sons and daughters of our activist hero’s will hopefully live without this neo Marxist satanist globalist coup attempt again on this scale, in their adult life, because of their awesome parents !.


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You are being naive if you believe Irelands Electoral System is honest.

The Regime appointed an Electoral Commission to ensure the integrity of the voting process, with a Supreme Court Judge as its Chairman ,(Butler) to give it a fake veneer of integrity.

Their first duty should have been to verify the Electoral Lists. They have failed in this first priority.

These Electoral Lists have not been updated for decades , and have thousands of graveyard dwellers listed.

i have personal experience of this with a dead Uncle, with my initials, who was confused with my identity when I went to Register from the same inherited address. He had been dead 10 years and still on the List.

The Regime has been handing out Citizenships like confetti to accumulate supporters.

The Issue of migrants being granted PPS numbers,without identity verification is common.

The possession of a name ,address and PPS number means ,officials (NGO's) in possession of these details, can register these migrants on the Electoral List, without the migrants knowledge.

The migrants do not physically vote, but being on the Electoral List, their votes can be used by nefarious officials to swing any targeted constituency.

The same voting ability is available to the Lazurus's from the graveyards.

There is no shortage of nefarious officials with vested interests in maintaining the Regime money making and patronage machine in Power.

This method is common in the US, especially used by the Democrat machine to stuff Registers.

Ireland is no longer the Land of Saints and Scholars and we need to wake up fast to the utter corruption by money ,opportunity and sinecures, of our Institutions by the criminal cabal of FG/FF over the past 100 years.

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I am naive and I have to be. The opposite of that is nihilism or something close to it and that can erode even the best of us. The article explains the caveat and my awareness of it but we win. We will have to win again, like with the water charges none of this has gone away but we have wounded it so badly it is in the distance licking its wounds.

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I think a more accurate opposite of naïveté is cynicism. Semantics matter.

Not Nationalism, but Patriotism. Not Free Speech heavyweights, but propagenda (sic) narrators. Not Culture War, but 5th Gen Warfare asymmetric battle strategy. Not homogenous soup of propaganda, but malicious, trauma-based, psychogenic brainwashing system.

Not State, but in the words of Thomas Sheridan, psychopathic power grid.

The kids will only be all right when we quit sterilising the lexicon with normie platitudes.

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I think you have a point. My faith in the integrity of the system died permanently with the rerun of the Nice Treaty. I once witnessed a Labour campaigner handing out leaflets for Michael D. Higgins directly outside the door of a polling station with no Gardai on the premises - clearly prearranged. The naivete, or gullibility, of much of the population should never be overestimated - witness the complaints when FF was ousted by FG and everyone was shocked - shocked I tell you - when they went back on their pre-election promises.

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It's only adjusting how they word it for the public.

Nothing has changed

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That’s why I put that caveat at the end of the article. Free speech is a forever war.

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The usual technique - fly the extremist version, get everyone up in arms and campaigning hard, then drop it and quietly introduce what they wanted in the first place while everyone is recovering.

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Nice work 😊👍

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"Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " wishes all who participated in this battle against Tyranny a great evening.

Shadow banning, censorship, denial of services , excommunication from friends, family and society, treated an Outlaw locally has all been worth it.

We told the Traitors time and time again Peacefully and Powerfully we would hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity and the "Sovereign man or woman".

We will not tolerate the filth they push on the woke masses.

We will not have our kids futures compromised by mental or medical procedures.

We will get justice for the injured and fatally wounded friends and family.

And we will keep "Marching on our Patriotic feet to further Victory despite our fellow men and women crawling on their knees to eventual slavery".

Better to die a free pauper than a wealth slave.

Just a reminder to our Traitors in Power of what "Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " is about .

We prioritise

1, God/Source/Creator.

2, Family.

3, Community and Country.

As we have let the Traitors know on many ,many occasions since 2020 "They Prioritise none of the above" yet tell us its for our own good.

Wrong Traitors.

We The People will direct gov policy from soon onwards.

Not some foreign entity or unelected commission or NGO.

Show us Traitors how you are going to give us the Priorities we live by.

Show us Traitors or shove off and let us repair the damage you have caused.

Well done to all involved but remember fellow men and women they are good at deception.

"Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " is free with no monetary system attached ,no membership and Worldwide.

Get on board Patriots because it's the only train to freedom away from the Traitors in Power.

Have a great day from rural hq in East Galway, on God's Green acre otherwise known as Ireland 🇮🇪

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Unreal. Operation Shamrock is catchy

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Sep 22Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

"CATCHY" is far from "Operation Shamrocks ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " core tenets.

We don't aim to be popular and "catchy" .

We aim to be Sovereign and Free and unchained to gov, censorship, central control and Coerced.

We are the human experience and expect Truth over Treason.

Catchy our ass.

Coming to get "Them" Certainly.

Oh and just in case "They" misunderstood or misdirect their mi ions. We will be "Peaceful and Powerful ".

As the old song 🎵 once sang " No more the Fool".

Not catchy but perhaps countdown to Common good and the realistic approach to Cemetary or Cremation.

Either way the Coward gets there.

It's just a few timeliness apart.

Now that ain't so catchy or is it?.

"Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 " wishes all humanity a very good evening.

No harm done and no victory won "Yet".

The Traitors are " all alone together" .

Now That's Catchy.

Over and Out from East Galway where once sheep were reported to be nervous.

Not any more Traitors.

Sheep are "Sovereign ".

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'Hate speech' meaning 'whatever offends politicians and politically favoured groups.'

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Guess freedom of expression and ownership of our own skins is a constant battle, we had a bit of a lull for a while.

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Well done, you good people of Ireland.

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Gone but never forgotten. Let's keep on our guard, ever ready to push back

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They need to lose seats at the next election , cause they'll be back with their censorship laws again if we let them back in.

If we , the Irish people return the same shower back into the Dail then we will only have ourselves to blame and suffer the consequences of our collective stupidity.

Still haven said all that it's still good news that macintee and co have had a bloody nose , for now.

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Great piece as usual. In the north there was a catch cry "croppy lie down" , epitomising the establishments attitude to your ordinary discriminated against nationalist. But croppy didn't & wudnt lie down - (an attitude & a bench mark hijacked by sinn fein as it put on a green jacket to hide its globalist DNA).

We must never lie down, we must never forget the depths to which the parasitic class will stoop to make us lie down. No we stand up & continue to do so until our slimey blood sucking ticks lie down & stay down. We hav no choice but to stay awake & vigilant at this dark hour.

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We always have choices and that may well be the issue.

However as the fake plandemic taught us even dna and family can't insulate us from their self Extermination cult.

That was and still is Msm , Pharma, organised religion etc not to forget the arse licking and kid killing public puppet nonses called gov and civil servants.

Funny how "Operation Shamrock ☘ " Never hit the net library till the Truth was told and no knee bought to Tyranny.

"Operation Shamrock ☘ 20,21,22,23,24 ' will never bow to cowards.

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I have a feeling that it’s only kicked down the road , like the water charges , they will give a reason again to introduce it , they will do their homework to see where and why they didn’t get the support of the people , they will brain storm to see and will reintroduce it down the line !! In a few years time, they cannot be trusted, not even one little bit !

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We are accumulating victories like this and the water charges. We have them in a position where they can’t pass legislation or run a referendum. Their strategies are narrowed now to obtuse authoritarianism or complete surrender of the Agenda. Be massively proud of how difficult we have been and will be.

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