This is brilliant, tragic and probably true. I'm old-the first computer I saw in the seventies filled two rooms- and haven't the skills for factchecking and cross referencing, but it makes sense. Without the understanding that we are in a spiritual battle, money is the only motivator.

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Hes driven by his art sales and his identity crisis. Not one bit compatible with nationalist ends

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"Without the understanding that we are in a spiritual battle, money is the only motivator."

So true!

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Great to see it all coming out about him . Brilliant article

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Anyone ever read history. It's full of people who will sell you out!

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I actually thought he was genuine and on our side but the way he's playing the race card now means he can't be trusted he's obviously there to try to bring down the freedom parties people will see through that now do get lost Starkey you can't be trusted

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Sharkey you can't be trusted

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Was he always too good to be true ?

His delivery, the content of his delivery, his polished performances, the seeming absence of any soul searching or doubt - did he do all his research while painting ?

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Oh,what can we do? Love of money is the root of all evil. When the euro, dollar or shelleg is your GOD what is really your soul like? We will win if we keep our religion and beliefs. We have imported DEMONS and grifters. They would sell their mothers and children out for 30 pieces. How long before that unfortunate bus driver is accused of racism? God Help Us.

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Jun 30Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Excellent article Stephen you explained it so well how Sharky has been purchased like one of his paintings by Sutcliffe the jezebel 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Jul 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I sometimes wonder if some of the outrageously racist comments and memes I see on twitter are deliberate attempts to undermine the nationalists. I never like or respond to them.

Id say we are well infiltrated on twitter at this stage. Its a shame about Sharkey, , I thought he was on our side.

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Jul 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Beware the False Prophets.... . ....until you find out who's funding them.

It's always about the shekels.

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Jul 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

A prostitute in every sense

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Jul 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I'm glad that it's not just me. It is disappointing, but disappointment shared is disappointment halved, I guess. I always liked the guy. Found him smart, brave and charismatic in equal measure. I'm introverted and very sparing with my social energy, but he's the type of person I like to be around.

I also just want to say that I am very slow to jump on a bandwagon. I've seen people in our tribe have silly unjustified accusations levelled at them. But in this case, it's justified. I've seen too much. Last time I saw him in the flesh was at Gript's/FSI's event in the RDS. He was a panelist. He used his platform to go after Gemma O'Doherty as a 'waycuss'.

I am happy for both Sharkey and O'Doherty to go and retire from 'the scene'.

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Jul 1Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Grift, Subversion and Containment all rolled into one package…..he’s the last person on this island we need “cheerleading” Nationalism. Super article Stephen.

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I cannot make a judgement on Sharkey , whether victim or traitor.

But setting up another mini Polical Party and then using it as a platform to criticise true Nationalists, while diluting the Nationalist support and electoral effectiveness is a bad sign.

As an Artiste ,he is dependent on the patronage of the wealthy and is vulnerable to being cut-off from their support ,or even losing the lease on his Grafton St, Studio.

His, is a precarious life and should he be pushed outside the Tent of Establishment Acceptance, he could hit the streets once again on the bones of his arse.

Such vulnerable people are open to many forms of coercion and cannot be included in a battle with a vicious Regime, that seeks weakness in Opposition ranks to exploit.

The Regime is a Govt of Occupation , supported by foreign interests ,both political and Corporate.

The strategy in use is a copy of the US Democratic Party as controlled by the Cllintons''

Capture and control of ALL News & Information outlets to propagandise the People., using Taxpayer funding.

Exclude from All Media ,dissenting and Opposition voices ,to silence Alternative view points

Set up 35k NGO;s, with over 6 Billion Taxpayer funding with preferential access to the controlled Media, as their pressure groups to influence political decisions ,avoiding the democratic voice of the People.

Similarly with Citizens Assemblies.

Similarly with the phony Electoral Commission, which has not acted on the decades old ,Electoral Register with its graveyard dwellers, the voting rights of non-citizens in our Local Elections, the corruption of the Electoral Register by inclusion of illegals , by means of issue of PPS numbers without Identification checks, enabling voting in General Elections/ Referenda etc.

The Regime is overtly at war with the People ,for those who have their eyes open.

They mean to hang on to Power for another 100 years to protect theri rackets, and will use any means fair or foul, with all the monopoly of violence ,physical, Judicial.Administrative of the State to entrench that Power.

The People have the numbers and the guerrilla Media of the internet to undermine them by exposing their crimes in an Information war.

We need to disseminate alternative news and increase awareness among the zombified & brainwashed, using social Media ,TikTok ,Facebook ,Twitter etc,

Never in human history has there been so much information available and so many unaware of the Truth.

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