Jun 24Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Orwell was for many years my favourite writer & political hero.

Until in recent years when his 1984 became so chillingly accurate a thought occurred to me: How come he was so accurate way back in the 1940s? No one can be that prescient unless they’re a god or have inside information.

Then a look into Orwell’s (Eric Blair’s) background suggests strongly that he was one of them, not us.

His great grandfather was the Earl of Westmorland, Blair went to Eton & was taught by Aldous Huxley (another of the same ilk), he joined the British Imperial Police, he worked as a journalist at the BBC. The rights to 1984 are owned by none other than the CIA.

My belief now is that Blair was an intelligence asset. So many of his class in journalism were & still are intelligence assets. It’s possible he had inside information on long term planning.

Why would they give us warning of their long term planning?

They play this game in the entertainment industry’ all the time. Look at all the dystopian films eg Hunger Games. It amuses them to hide things in plain sight. They can say, ‘We did warn you.’

Orwell/ Blair was still a bloody good writer - assuming he was the author.

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Read part II that i linked at the top of the article. He was an agent from a young chld

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The Irish Hate speech Bill will be the bastardised evil offspring resulting from the illicit coupling of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘1984’….

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I have yet to delve into Farenheit

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Jun 24Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

We have to now look past Orwell. We are in the AI quagmire. Meta. YT. Telegram. Instagram. Quota. All platforms that take all creation away. One does not even have a natural brain. A creative thought because we as people are dumbed down by genetic and mental decay.

They want to take paper away....the very peice a pen has free reign directly from a conscious thought.

I feel for mankind.

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Jun 24Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Great article, thank you.

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