The 3 pillars of a Western Nation are the moral authority of a Christian Church, the Family and an ethnically cohesive Nation, with a long History ,strong culture ,Language and sense of uniqueness.

The Catholic Church was the first pillar to fall, susceptible to scandal by the crimes of a minority and little resistance from its Leaders,

The Nation and its cohesive nature is under attack by Mass Plantation, falling birthrate, abortion and the false Marxist ideology of multiculturism and DEI.

The Family has been under attack since the CHILDRENS REFERENDUM, undermining parents responsibility to their children,

RSE and SPHE in the scholl curriculum to indoctrinate and corrupt the children with perverted practices.

The absurd Gender Recognition Act, Gay Marriage Referendum were all part of undermining the natural Family unit and damaging our Constitution.

Our Republics' Constitution is the Peoples Protection from fools ,tyrants and despots of the Regime.

It saves us from the depredations of a cynical ,traitorous, criminal Regime who seek to sell our birthright. future and labour to the Globalist profits seekers for the Judas shekel.

The various Regimes have targeted the Constitution for decades. It is the stumbling block that prevents them going full Totalitarian. The illegal Covid Lockdowns were a demonstration of their intent.

VOTE NO&NO and save yourself Your family and Nation.

Those who thru indifference do not partake in their REPUBLICS affairs and do not VOTE, are destined to be ruled by fools ,charlatans, tyrants and despots ( Plato, The Republic)

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Brilliant, as expected from Mr. Delaney. In a time of engineered civilizational collapse, it is best to stick to natural law and align ourselves with traditional catholic or orthodox Christian social teaching, they understand men and women best, regardless of whether or not you grasp the supernatural aspect of it. The separation of church and state is the beginning of the slippery slope. Feminism, a foreign imposter to our race, was always intended to be anti woman and family, in order to quicken the inevitable collapse of our nation and civilization. The Fabian socialists were very clear in the beginnings of their demonic agenda, to attack the traditional and natural state of the family, religion and nation, in order to bring about their global world government. This well be held together by a corporate technocracy, silicon valley, as Kissinger pointed out in his last book. Since we do not live in a genuine democracy but an oligarchy, the referendum is part of the bread and circuses and a data gathering exercise. Liberal democracy is opium for the people, as intended. I never caught the habit myself. Our children are our greatest achievement and their mothers place is best in the home, with the father sober and working hard to provide for all that they need, the data tells us that most mothers agree. This feminist brain virus was primarily imposed upon European people and nations and wherever they have been displaced to. Once you figure out the esoteric aspect behind it all, things begin to make sense. If you want to play the game, of course vote No twice. Better still, make Irish babies, prepare and have graceful fun. May God bless your future marriage Mr. Delaney. You are good breeding stock.

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