Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Excellent piece, Stephen. As a medic reading it I can't fault your analysis. You go beyond the medical to the sociopolitical and frame the context of the jab rollout very clearly. However those that seek to implement these eugenic policies are not "elite". Rather they are culturally and morally degenerate. "Elite" only reflects their grasp of power. The enemy we face is a curious beast. It is fascist in economic and political terms but Marxist in social policy. This confuses people because we are thought to think of politics as Right/Left. The more important axis is Authoritarian/Libertarian. Travellers represent that libertarian streak which is admirable in many ways although as you say there are some issues of concern within the travelling community. No community is perfect. In my work I noted that there was much more dissent and non engagement with the jab rollout in the travelling community versus the settled. Too many people think the government is their big "Mammy and Daddy". There is more healthy scepticism in the travelling community which I applaud.

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Thanks for your thoughts on this Pat. I am hoping dome day we get these bastards. We have come along way from 2019 to get to here.

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Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

The government is not your friend. They don't care if you live or die. If you should happen to live all they want you to do is shut up and do what you are told. Anyone who allows ngo;s to speak on their behalf are nuts. they are corrupted by government and foreign funds and rely on this to maintain a comfortable and easy life. Follow the money. Think for yourself and speak for yourself and if you organise make sure you self fund. The love of money is the root of all evil and many are more than willing to be bought.

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Brilliant, as expected. It has been forwarded to Tyson Fury, my favourite Irish traveller.. Nobody calls themselves Cultural Marxists. They call themselves Fabian socialist's. They have a website and they control our government, truly, wolves in sheep's clothing 🕊️❤️☘️🙏

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Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

What a fantastic piece of work Stephen, you've gone above and beyond yourself here. Great education for some of us. It's difficult to swallow the evil that has (seemingly overnight) taken control of our Government and world Governments. It's really hard for me to get my head around it. Excellent and thank you again for your insight

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Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Excellent article well thought out and written…IMO you are right over the target

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Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Covid 19 was a man-made Bio Warfare weapon,developed at US Military Biowarfare Lab at Fort Detrick ,Maryland.

It was designed to disrupt the booming Economy of China ,which was a threat to US Hegemony.

Previous attacks had been Swine Flu. Avian Flu, MERS and SARS1.

Oct 19, 2019 was the date of the International Military Games in Wuhan ,China and was the opportune date to release the Covid19 Virus for maximum dissemination ,during Chinese New Year and worldwide by returning athletes and visitors.

China and Iran were the initial victims of Covisd 19 . with many eldely victims in the Iranian Parliament.

A US grant for research into bat viruses at the Wuhan Lab, provided the plausibile deniability ,a standard CIA deflection tactic.

The US has over 300 biowarfare Labs ,many in West Africa , Georgia and the revelation by Victoria Nuland ,at a Senate hearing under Chairman Marco Rubio of over 30 Labs in Ukraine ,uncovered by the Russians during their invasion in Feb 2022, with ethnic targeting viruses.

Dr Robert Kadlec is head of the US Bio -warfare program and has built an entire career advocating for bio weapons as having plausible denial in warfare,.

Donald Trump appointed Kadlec biowarfare czar in 2017. Then in 2018 China lost most of its chicken supply to a mysterious virus. In 2019 its pork production was decimated by another virus. And as we all know, in 2020, China’s economy was hamstrung, even to some extent permanently hobbled, by COVID-19.

Thanks to COVID, the massive gap between Chinese and American economic growth has shrunk significantly. The fact that COVID seems to have blown back against its creators, killing well over a million Americans, shouldn’t obscure that strategic victory.

Covid19 was only dangerous to the elderly and these with co-morbidities and not unlike a FLU, severe for some and mild for others.

COVID 19 was hyped by a paid and compromised worldwide Media as the New Black Plague to generate Fear and Terror in the populations. Masking ,Lockdowns, Fake PCR tests were all in the mix to force compliance with the rapidly introduced experimental, emergency clearance , no liability mRNA iNJECTION, that was not a Vaccine, did not prevent infection or transmission ,but killed ,injured and caused heart and infertility problems with women and men.

This was a malicious worlwide Depopulation Plan by evildoers at the highest level, with unlimited coercive power and funding.

All tiers of Govt ,Medical Institutions and Media colluded in the greatest Hoax and Crime against Humanity ever .

We are now in the coverup phase,with rigged investigations and undermining of expert Medical people, and complete blackout on the Media.

Next time you go to Vote ,remember your Govt was a willing party to mass killing and injury of the Irish population .

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Hi Daniel.

A bit of this is new to me, but I've come to similar conclusions regarding most of what you say here, particularly the culpability of governments and their 'public-private-partnership' cartels, and the depopulation agenda. My hedges are minor and only included below because I don't know with certainty, and phrased those hedges as such:

— Covid may have been no more than a variant of the common flu, and was closer to a psy-ops excuse to hollow out the working class of most populations, foreign and domestic, with mRNA bioweapons and/or Non Pharmaceutical Interventions. I suspect the ruling classes of China and the U.S. share more common interests and agendas than they do with their own populations.

— The culling of swine, poultry, and even honeybees (Australia) under the guise of 'protecting' us may be just a similar excuse to control the food supply, and thus the working class.

— Voting, democracy itself (except at the very smallest of local levels) has become a kabuki show. If we are to believe Plato, maybe always has been.

As yours was a comment, and mine, an even more obscure comment-to-a-comment, just a reminder to myself ... my guess is that these kinds of shenanigans have been part of our collective history since before the stone age ... a forever-war of mankind against its own worst nature. The only difference now is one of scale, and with the acceleration of A.I. and new hardware platforms, we are entering Matrix territory, maybe a terminal trip.

Despite it all, cheers from Japan.

Keep up the good fight.


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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

This one is disturbing and brilliant at the same time.

From our origins on earth, human beings have committed eugenics. History repeating.

AI will replace us if we aren't careful. We must take our sovereignty back.

Thank you my friend.

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Mar 17Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Great article Stephen and I have no doubt you are correct in your suspicions, in saying that I doubt that many Travelers fell for the scam.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Hi Stephen and thank you.

Unfortunately, the medics got to my settled Romany family many, many years ago.

My mother's generation were the first to marry outside of our vast family due to thinking about the inherited genetics, but they still come out somewhat!

What they actually managed to do by marrying out though, was destroy what had always been cherished in our family - our unity no matter what.

Now there is no closeness at all, none! Because the settled culture takes presidence due to "outsiders" as they keep away from the main body of our family, no disrespect intended at all to them, I am just stating the truths of what has happenned.

It's very sad to see and I myself have taken myself and my little family away from them too, as I did not want to be a part of the toxicity that grew.

My comments may seem disjointed but it would take months to explain everything 😅 but regarding the shots and all other aliopathic medicines, there is a victim culture now between them as to who needs the most!!! Or who has had the most, or who can actually pronounce the long names of the medications best because that "proves" to all that they are intelligent and know all there is to know about all medical matters 😂 honestly it's funny and not at the same time. They can't see it!

Conversations are around all that is "wrong" with them and what pills they take, what they might "have" to take next and what anyone else should probably take, including all the shots.

It is an extremely competitive sport 😂 that I want no part of and have kept away.

Everything I remember as a child with my grandmother and her sisters is gone. It died with them and its bloody tragic!

I know you could say that about most really, but as you know, in the traveller and Romany culture (yes Romany, not Roma!) it is more prevalent.

My grandmother's herbal, craft and business skills were amazing, and she could neither read n'or write!

She would have shown them exactly what to do with their shots! 😂 Luckily I take after her.

I have a postcard photo of my grandfather from ww2 sent to my grandmother and on the reverse is the beautiful note - From my heart to your heart. Cousin to Cousin ❤️

I know this is a long comment sorry, but hopefully it shows the dismantling of family and culture through a lot of things, including mostly unnecessary medical interventions. I'm in my fifties and so have observed it over many years and it does sadden my heart, it really does, but you have to get on with things and be very grateful for the path and way you chose for yourself and your children, no matter what.

My family for the most are hell bent on being seen as "respectable" in society and ashamed of their heritage and so have been busy wiping it out - personally I couldn't give a flying fuck what people think 😂 Thankfully both my children feel the same!

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Mar 21Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Just came across this and read it with mounting horror. I didn't think there was anything left from the covid scam era that could surprise and shock me. How wrong I was!

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Any travellers I knew ran to take it

As much doses as they could even for babies

Because it was free!!

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Yeah, that didn’t happen.

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Mar 21Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Mixed feelings about this Horris. I do not doubt your anecdotal experience because it matches my observation of the behavior by my immediate family and friends back in the U.S. when the psyops was at its peak.

On the other hand, Stephen's narrative does shine new light on the historical group dynamics of eugenics and the totalitarian mind-set.

I think there is enough wiggle room to include both of your observations as valid, but it would require a much longer, more researched, and nuanced format than substack normally allows. A book ... something that few of us have the luxury of time and resources to afford, though a judicious use of A.I. might help us, as well as flood us with bullshit.

Cheers from Japan, Horris and Stephen.

Keep up the good fight.


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Yup it did. He's a regular visitor flogging stuff put of his car. When I cautiously asked him about the vaccine that was his reply. Too bad it doesn't fit your narrative

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