Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Unity is strength.

A coalition of Nationalists will be a powerful force, altho the mechanics of pooling resources and selecting candidates will be very difficult with egos, ambitions and ideologies causing friction.

A fractured nationalist movement plays into the Regimes hands.

A recent lesson from France demonstrated how the Left coalesced to keep out the nationalists from power.

Sacrifices and horse trading are required .

There is but one objective and that is to remove this dangerous, treacherous Regime who are intent on destroying Ireland.

The General Election is likely to be Oct/Nov after the usuaL bribery Budget.

The unified nationalist effort would help all small Parties to get on the ladder of political power eventually

The greatest weakness of the Irish has always been their internecine wars ,exploited by the Vikings, ,Normans and English to conquer us.

Time for to learn from our History as the Nation is in great peril from the Regime Enemy within.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Justin Barrett is the only one of all that you talk about with leadership qualities and a vision for our future. He asked them all to come to the table with their ideas. I believe a meeting took place and he was excluded. Our side (the resistence) is full of keyboard warriors, shills, infiltrators and inexperienced people with no vision. They have to come together or Éire is lost, we will be outnumbered very soon. Maybe these candidates don't see the clear and imminent danger we're in. Anyway that's the way I see it Stephen

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Its better to have it aired than stored

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I have to agree with you Stephen it is time to actually put the nation first before their personal desires because otherwise people like me are walking away from the whole election thing.

They need to do it for "the love of Ireland".

Well done for standing up and writing this article. Grá Éire

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Excellent article stephen I completely agree united we stand divided we fall although I find Herman kelly a bit smarty and he was pro the clotshots but the rest should definitely join forces and unite without a doubt

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Makes perfect sense, so that means in this inverted world that …………..

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Given the beyond dire situation our country is in, it's seems ridiculous that Stephen had to write this.

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Done ✔️

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

We need this

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

GPs I meant say lol

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Political parties cannot maintain integrity and agree policies. Once a group band together you will have egos, financial wrangling, policy disputes and of course operatives. The Independnet model means the candidate is responsible for his own finances, and accountable only to herself and the electorate. I agree it's a harder message to get to the voters. Read "On the Abolition of All Political Parties (Nyrb Classics) Paperback – eight quid odd on Amazon. by Simone Weil (Author)

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I agree with you ann but with 3 months or so till the general election ( consensus ) we don’t have the time to save the world. We only have time for a big rally and charge at the Dail. The solution here is one party and a few satellite independents if they so wish.

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Fair enough. Desperate times and all that.

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I find Herman a bit smarmy I meant to say I don't trust him but the rest should stick together itscthe only way forward

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The party is full of good people.

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Jul 10Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

Yes the partying is full of hood people these parties ad you say need to join up asap with a general election looming

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Sorry about the spelling errors couldn't find me fecking glasses

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You will find no Grammar Nazis here

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Haha there's enough nazis around without grammar nazis had fiery encounter while in go's foe a bloodtest because I refused to wear a face nappy the wouldnt let me get bloodtest done I tried explaining common sense to them by stating that they had masks on so I'd masks are that great what differ did it make if I had 1 on or not but it was the usual it's practice policy that masks should be worn was at a+e in navan last week and nobody was wearing them bar 1 old dear and same in mater hospital a couple of months back very few it was optional which is way it always should be let the sheep wear them if the want but leave us ones who can think for ourselves to make our own decisions but then again common sense went out the window in 2020 and never really came back

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For what it's worth, I still espouse the Independent model of political representation.

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Mullooly has broken the momentum of support for independents here. Indo & others are down 4 points in the polls. Strategically speaking, we need an announced option for the generals that appeals to everyone.

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As was his role from the start. Safely ground the rising middle class disgruntlement back into the arms of the establishment.

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A walking bastard

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I am not sure Stephen some candidates are better I believe as Independents eg Stephen Kerr, Malchay Stevenson, Peter O Donaghoe Joe Dooley and many others they can compliment parties but continue increasing their current reputations as Independents ...

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They are fantastic independent councillors, but that would be only beneficial under normal peace time conditions. We are effectively defending ourselves against a globalist coup. The liberals and the communists are functioning as a block. We have to seize political power. It is impossible for instance, for an independent TD to trigger the required article to leave the EU. That power resides within the cabinet, which means we need to be in government. By hook or by crook.

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