Feb 25Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

I think this is more about what is going on within the left than it is about there being a chance of ourselves and the IRSP coming together any time soon.

It still represents quite a journey for the IRSP (or whoever has access to their social media)

Remember back at the start of East Wall the Dublin IRSP Twitter account reached out to the protestors (even claimed the organisers as their own - which led Philip to a short term opposition towards Malachy) and then the national IRSP Twitter account came down on the Dublin IRSP account and reigned them in.

After that a few of us were counter protesting a PBP event up at the Garden of Remembrance and some nordie IRSPers came over and tried to belt us with their flagpoles. The Guards had to step in.

Things have obviously been moving on since then.

There's the recently appeared and fascinating notesonireland Substack - whose author doesn't sound very different to the author of this latest statement (and the similar sounding tweet from the IRSP Twitter account two weeks ago).

Now there's this statement and the meeting. It seems like this (surprising) new view has at least got the majority / those in power within the IRSP behind it.

Still though, would you expect them to join one of our protests or demonstrations and stand beside us? That doesn't seem to be where they're at.

It's more that our ideas have gained entry in to lefty politics and there's an internal debate breaking out. Which we get to watch from outside. I wouldn't be expecting us to be joining forces anytime soon.

Although stranger things have happened. Been a whole year of strange things happening.

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Feb 25Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

What we have have now is facism, which is a combination of capitalism and government. Our corrupted and perverted politicians only care about money and status. They are not Irish, just happened to be born here . When it comes to their communities and it will, do not support them. It took us 800 hundred years to be a country of our own, IRELAND and we are going to throw it away to 14th century no nothings. Ireland the choice is yours. Choose wisely or forever hold your peace.

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I enjoyed that. Understanding what a nation is, how to strengthen and defend it, would be a great debate. I would like to debate this with you. Have a study of Fabian socialism and Biological Leninism and you will see clearly modern Ireland and the EU, on the long planned path towards global socialist governance, to be held together by a corporate technocracy. Liberal democracy is the tool used for this. Understanding the esoteric aspect behind the international money power, the central banking cabal, takes you to the root of the issue. Everything else is bread and circuses. It was all pointed out in Mathew 23 Remember, Republicanism and democracy are foreign imports. A monarchy and people under God is Irish. Let me know when you are ready for a respectful conversation about all of this. Thanks for your work.

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Hi, I’m not about religious but I’m glad you brought this up.

I do think at the top of the pyramid is occultists, a satanic crew.

This cannot be just money power control. It’s way above that and we know these families like rothchilds etc have form.

Wonder if that’s why it’s such a kick to get Ireland not just post-Catholic, but embracing the likes of BambieThugg esoteric darkness.

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May the God of reason bless you and your family, Sara. Check out the YouTube channel, CJBBOOKS and his website CJBBOOKS.com Also unz.com henrymakow.com veteranstoday.com it is all covered in Mathew 23 his last speech before he was arrested. The church is infiltrated but the traditional Catholic church and traditional orthodox church is fighting the good fight. Follow Brother Nathaniel and all will be well. Love, TRUTH and better ideas for the sake of all nations is the way forward. It's a spiritual battle, we were made for this. Enjoy 🕊️❤️🙏☘️

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Feb 25Liked by Stephen J. Delaney

🇮🇪 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 🇮🇪

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Hi, thanks a very interesting overview of how it occurred nationalists republicans sold the country from 2015. It always perplexed me, though I’ve never voted this way.

I agree with many of your points and the moderate logical perspective around the worst of socialism & capitalism.

However if I may add a few small critiques - I think it’s a pivotol error tk call an entire cohort of pple scumbags, degenerates, bastards etc.

It’s really divisive and actually brings out the compunction to be empathic and somewhat caring towards a group that seems “attacked” en masse.

Of course there’s selfishness and horrendous shocking formerly unseen behavior here, but the factors seem to involve criminality plus culture plus mental health etc.

To say “it’s Muslims” is reductionist as is any offer singular.

The man who raped Aisling as a Roma from Eastern Europe I believe, culturally catholic background unlikely practicing anything by the lifestyle described drinking, no work, married with kids though hooking up on line, stalking pple to rape etc.

You apply nuance to so much but not there. It doesn’t read so much as justifble righius admirable anger vs.. red mist anger.

It lets you down, it means pple can’t share the piece who are concerned the times off with just some lines.

I have a question on the contrary too to the point.

HOW actually is that there can be hundreds and hundreds of men in centres or hotels in every torn.

Men who are between 20-30, mostly nights college educated, no parental supervision, no girlfriends or partners, all let loose far from home.

Many from diverse neighbouring or culturally historically antagonistic countries.

YET not fighting each other, not continual brawls, not huge security needed, not constant court cases from injury etc, not endemic petty robbery in the local towns.

I mean it’s not like the book is thrown at any newcomers with lost passports.

(What one case in three yrs for that last month ?)

(If a teenage girls school went on a one month trip to Kenya there’d be half of that behavior, maybe more violence ?!?!😂 )

Seriously though, it leads credence to me as to rumoured motive.

That bizarre preposterous sounding thing - that a UN NWO army was being surreptitiously embedded.

Are they on a contract ?

Have they the discipline of military training?

Is their behaviour on another kind of leash in these centres, the length & breath of the country.

Yes there’s meant to be some drinking & drugging but not out of control and even more surpringlly STILL not any chaotic scenes in a soup of bored frustrated testosterone !!

Pple might say - “you can’t have it both way - their dangerous we must be fearful and get rid of them AND why are they what… so we’ll behaved”.

There is a peak of violence robbery sexual assault in the community via pple who didn’t get well vetted, but these are pple housed in the centres hotels.

It makes no sense to me, so we seek answers to WHY *That* behavior is so inexplicably disciplined.

A lady in a recent podcast said 60% of our reverse army is now men from Algeria, Afghanistan, Africa, Asia etc.

She provided no supporting evidence.

If we could find out if that was true it would be very important information, thought chilling af !

Look forward to reading your next pieces and hope the debate goes brilliantly.

I talked to a few taxi men up north (great barometers, private hub where the publics views gets collected !!) they said pple KNOW well what’s going on with covid and great resetting.

I really hope so, these pple have knowledge and skills (I don’t mean violence), resistance etc.

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Hi Sara, thanks for the detailed response. I wont address everything there because it is alot of separate points but i will say this, the type of stab wounds Aisling suffered were repeated slashes at her theoat (13) which leads me to believe this was an attempted beheading. I refuse to generalise the mans religious beliefs because romania is mostly catholic. The man claimed to be slovakian which shows that he was playing games with his nationality. It doesnt fit the profile of a catholic with a family and children etc. a sizanle amount of Roma are muslim.

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Hi, sure thing religion or none is ambiguous and upper body stabbing.

Wouod love your opinion some time on military or not or if you hear anything on reserve army demographic pls let us know.

Thanks as always for you’re time, diligence and thoughtful, insightful work.

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