Dail Debate On Excess Deaths: The Devil In The Detail
Minister Naughton Blames Climate Change for Excess Deaths And Leaves Chamber
It is almost a certainty that any and all persons who heard or read Deputy Hildegarde Naughton’s statement last Wednesday will be in a state of shock, however unsurprising it was. It has long been speculated that climate change, the boogey man of excuses, is to be used to cover up the excess deaths that have immediately exploded after the global mass vaccination program. This Dail debate introduced that narrative to the chamber with Naughton granting permission to speak on it. What subsequently came out of the speakers mouths in the Dail chamber was nothing short of criminal. This was a Dail debate long overdue on the issue of excess deaths and should have featured angry calls for the detention and prosecution of public health officials and the entire department of health. The debate was filled instead with verbose pussy-footing from most of the speakers who seek their masters approval over that of the citizenry. Almost all of the speakers followed the line of legally prepared and sanitised doublespeak, alluding that it was in fact covid itself and even the now debunked ‘long-covid’ that has caused the excess mortality. What exactly is going on here? Who are the people who spoke and what did they say?
Before I begin, I need to state my stance which is that I am openly in the belief that a grand conspiracy has taken place. Multiple in fact. I was done tip-toeing around the issue the moment the word “lockdown” first reared its ugly head. That being said I expect even the most gullible of people to now accept that they were forced, through coercive measures, to take a vaccine after an internationally coordinated campaign of fear. That is the first conspiracy that is now widely accepted as fact by the masses or at the very least, has even the most fluoridated of NPC’s scratching their heads. The second, which is the issue of the safety of the vaccine, is now one of the major concerns of the Irish public. Those who are concerned are fearful they have been poisoned, or genetically altered leading to negative health outcomes and are now demanding answers. Even if there was no ill intent, people are still dying at an unprecedented rate. Focussing on point two dispels the naysayer compulsion to cry “conspiracy theorist” and brings the debate rightly under the microscope of objective data science. We must prove excess deaths are caused by the vaccines before we can get our Spanish Inquisition. This Dail debate was the first step in that direction.
I want to critique this debate by isolating certain statements by the contributors and their significance, and where possible provide additional, relevant context. I will focus my main point on Naughton’s opening statement, which revealed a great deal more than people think. The Debate was lead by Minister Hildegarde-Naughton. Naughton has a very peculiar history in politics. From a political family, Naughton had an easy route into the Dail however her path was severely unusual. She was school teacher up until she seems to have become both a Technical Support Advisor AND a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Her LinkedIn shows that she was on the Chicago Board of Trade from January 2008 - January 2009 and also worked technical support for APC Multinational from January - September in Galway of that same year. Going from being a teacher in a National School to being on the Board of Trade of Chicago is unexplainable in itself, but to also hold down a technical support role at a Galway business at the same time is just laughable. What did she get up to in America? Hildegarde has had many honours and accolades handed to her in her assent to the Minister of State role in Dail Eireann, but her past is murky. She was handed the Mayoralty of Galway, only after she retracted a statement she made about Galway council members. The statement, which was a bitter lashing out after she lost the 2011 general election, went as follows:
During the campaign in January of that year, she alleged that councillors had been "doing the bidding" of a "hidden elite" for 20 years.
This was reported in an Irish Times Article that has since been removed. Naughton is now Minister of State at the Department of Health. It is fundamentally important to remind the reader of that conspiratorial comment before I further provide Naughton’s comments in the Dail last Wednesday and show you exactly why these statements are disingenuous and treasonous.
She began the debate by mentioning that “While the Department does not produce estimates of excess mortality, it works closely with the Health Protection Surveillance Centre, HPSC, the Central Statistics Office, CSO, and other stakeholders to monitor estimates of excess mortality. A number of different methodologies have been developed by organisations and academics internationally to try to estimate levels of excess mortality.”
Naughton then stated that there was “no internationally agreed method on the estimation of excess mortality”.
She then introduced the laughable notion that climate change could be a factor in excess deaths. This part is extremely important. Minister Naughton expresses, not only that excess deaths are caused by climate change, but that the OECD is already looking into USING THE DATA OFFICIALLY TO PROVE CLIMATE CHANGE EXISTS!
“The CSO is also continuing to examine methods for estimating excess deaths and mortality analysis. Internationally, the Department of Health is engaging closely with the OECD in its work on incorporating demographic change in its excess mortality estimates and the use of excess mortality as an indicator of the impact of climate change.”
The crazy part about Naughton’s statement regarding the OECD is that the OECD’s excess deaths reporting does not seem to include Ireland. Which begs the question, what could the Minister of State for Public Health gain from talking to the OECD? The answer is as I stated above. The OECD, the hidden elite that Naughten warded about earlier on, are going to pull a report out of thin air in the not so distant future, using data they don’t have, using standards that do not exist, to claim excess deaths are an indicator of climate change. That is the inference available to us from Naughton’s statements. Running parallel to these statements, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly, in an October 11th interview with Gript, stated that he was not aware of any excess deaths, data of such or otherwise, meaning he is claiming to be unaware of the OECD’s “close” ties with Minister Naughton. This is in the most purest of senses, criminal.
There is already evidence of mass vaccine deaths across Europe and here at home. The ramifications of mass vaccination induced excess deaths and the subsequent use of those deaths to establish a wild Climate Change doomsday theory to be true, go far beyond a hoax or cover up. This is High Treason. It is not only our Parliament that is having this debate, the excess death phenomenon is an international one and it is the internationalists who are squirming to cover it up. I do not mince my words so I wont start now. I fully believe the gullible fools of this country who lined up for a jab and a free lollipop, only to kick the bucket soon after, have been murdered in order to simulate a climate crisis that does not exist.
The Other Speakers
There were other contributions of note. John McGuiness, Paul Murphy, Peadar Tobín and Danny Healy-Rae. I will include excerpts from these statements below:
“I read emails that came into my office from one individual who lives in Kilkenny, and I have read reports on the numbers that have died. Because the numbers are so different by comparison to other years, that in itself should set off at least some alarm bells and it should focus the minds of those in authority on why that is happening, setting aside the ageing of our population. If we were to do that, we might dispel some of the extreme explanations that we read about and we could address the reasons it is happening and learn from them”. - John McGuiness
The emails that John has alluded to here are no doubt in reference to Patrick E. Walsh. Patrick is a Kilkenny man in John’s constituency and has been a leading voice on Excess deaths. Patricks relentless research, articles and email campaigns to all the local politicians and papers have, in my opinion, forced this debate into the Dail. You should consider reading Patrick’s Substack where all of the evidence of excess deaths is laid bare. Well done again Patrick if you are reading this.
“The likely cause of the increase in mortality and excess deaths is pretty obvious. It is staring us in the face following the pandemic we have been through and the policies we have decided to follow, policies I have certainly not gone along with, of effectively pretending Covid does not exist any more and not taking long Covid seriously. We should demand that the Government takes long Covid seriously and implements the measures that were unanimously agreed by this Dáil last November, which included proper investment in long Covid clinics, making sure that they operate every day of the week and are accessible to people across the country, taking Covid and ventilation seriously, the reintroduction of masking in healthcare settings, educating people on the fact that Covid is still with us and on the dangers of long Covid, and educating GPs to ensure people are being referred to the proper pathways for long Covid” - Paul Murphy
What can I say here other than I well and truly feel Paul Murphy lost his mind after the water protests and masquerading as a socialist politician. Murphy suggesting that long covid is the root cause of excess death is disappointing but this ins’t unusual for him. Long Covid has been routinely dispelled as other issues or complaints by multiple research studies. For instance a Yale study refers to Long COVID as “not a single disease”. The risk of loss of funding is enough for them however to maintain the use of the term while ignoring the fact the symptoms are generic and widespread across the entire population. One symptom mentioned is obesity…
“There is practically silence from every other Opposition party in Leinster House. Most other Opposition parties were actually pushing the Government to do more through restrictions during the Covid pandemic. There was one political voice in the form of a political party, and that was Aontú, and it will call the Government out repeatedly over the wrongdoing related to Covid and the refusal to investigate to ensure we can save lives in the future.” - Peadar Tobín
Peadar Tobin was the most forthright in his language but somehow failed to mention the word “vaccine” once. Hot air bar the identification of silence from the other parties.
“There is a lot of conversation. The minute I mention the word “vaccination”, I am accused of being anti-vax, but the conversation is being had and people are asking why all the deaths are happening. They are asking whether they are the result of Covid or the vaccinations and they need answers.” - Danny Healy-Rae
Danny Healy-Rae, to be fair to him said it like it is, but not with the anger he should have had at the prospect of his country men, women and children being murdered.
The Weird Addition From The Junior Minister For Agriculture
I thank all the Deputies who contributed to this important debate.
It is important to note that peaks of mortality are not unusual in winter, most commonly as a result of factors such as cold snaps and the increased circulation of respiratory viruses, in particular viruses with epidemic and pandemic potential such as Covid-19 and the flu. The Health Protection and Surveillance Centre reported significant excess all-cause mortality in Ireland during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and again in January and February 2021 during the third wave of the pandemic. Those aged 75 years and older were most affected. During these two periods, excess mortality reached the highest levels ever recorded in Ireland since data become available in 2009. The HPSC also observed a period of significant excess mortality during December 2022 and January 2023, over five consecutive weeks. Influenza activity was at very high levels in Ireland during December 2022 and January 2023, with a high number of influenza hospitalisations reported. Excess all-cause mortality has been observed in previous seasons when influenza viruses circulated at high levels in Ireland and Europe, such as during the 2017 to 2018 flu season.
The HPSC has extensive ongoing surveillance in place to monitor morbidity and mortality associated with Covid-19, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, RSV, and other respiratory viruses and liaises closely with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organization. Considerable ongoing public health measures are implemented, including Covid-19 and flu vaccination, antivirals for treatment and prophylaxis and various non-pharmacological interventions in order to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. These measures include a programme for the administration of Covid-19 booster vaccines and influenza vaccines for vulnerable populations and those most at risk of severe infection.
Covid-19 and influenza vaccination provides the best protection for vulnerable populations and those most at risk of severe disease and death. It is widely recognised that vaccines save lives. They are a simple and effective measure that help reduce our risk of becoming ill from viruses and they also help prevent the spread of infection.
The HPSC conducted a Covid-19 vaccine impact study from December 2021 to March 2023. An adapted formula from an internationally recognised and peer-reviewed methodology was used to estimate Covid-19 vaccine impact in Ireland during the Omicron period. National surveillance data on notified outcomes, national vaccine coverage data and vaccine effectiveness estimates sourced from the World Health Organization’s live systematic review of vaccine effectiveness were used to estimate the impact of the vaccination programme. Between December 2021 and March 2023, the study estimated that the Covid-19 vaccination programme in Ireland prevented the following outcomes: 102,000 hospitalisations with Covid-19; 3,300 intensive care unit, ICU, admissions due to Covid-19; and 16,000 deaths due to Covid-19. The study concluded that during an Omicron period from December 2021 to March 2023, the Covid-19 vaccination programme prevented Covid-19 related illness, including ICU admissions and deaths due to Covid-19. Vaccination therefore protected population health and capacity in the healthcare system. The benefits of vaccination are ongoing, emphasising the importance of vaccination.
The Covid-19 booster vaccine is currently available free of charge to certain groups, including those aged 50 and older. The flu vaccine is also available for free to certain at-risk groups, including those aged 65 and older. The alignment of Ireland’s Covid-19 and influenza vaccination programmes during the autumn and winter period of 2023 will serve as a critical enabler to maximise uptake of both vaccines to eligible cohorts, where possible and appropriate.
Again, I thank all those who contributed to today’s interesting discussion and important debate. I reiterate that a significant amount of ongoing work is being undertaken on mortality trends in Ireland. I take this opportunity to reinforce the need for timely death registration data. I outlined earlier the ongoing work that is being undertaken by the Department of Social Protection, the General Register Office, the Department of Health, the HSE and the Central Statistics Office to improve the process, including timeliness, of death registration. I welcome a speedy completion of the technical, procedural and legislative changes required to enable more timely access to death registration data.”
- Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Deputy Martin Heydon)
The Junior Minister, Martin Heydon, who was sent in insultingly by the government to hear the submissions from the speakers, gave a rousing recital of a presumed Pfizer Insert in the style of a Jehovah’s Witness as he went on to mention the word vaccine, or a variation there of, 28 times. More than all other members combined. That should tell you all you need to know about the calibre of people in our Dail.
Closing Thoughts
I know this article is somewhat disjointed but I want to portray the implications of what was said in our Dail last Wednesday. The Irish Government have shown the people, and I include mealy mouth Independents in this, that they are not one bit admirable. They would rather play theatre all day and go home to the comfort of their mansions. Excess deaths is the most serious statement that can made by an elected member of a nations parliament. More of our people have died than usual right after a coercive mass vaccination drive. It is time these Independents call for a criminal investigation by An Garda Siochana. We are done begging for the truth. Someone in the Dail must now use their Dail Privilege to say “It’s the vaccine”.
Mattie McGrath spoke about the numbers of excess deaths during the Debate. He stated the following:
In total, there have been 15,000 excess deaths since 2021, which is alarming. A preliminary analysis shows that the excess death increase in Ireland for August 2023 was around 21.1%. Therefore, there is something wrong.
Just to clue the reader in on the significance of this figure of 15,000 deaths in 2-3 years. The Troubles, which lasted 30 years, killed 3,720. The Troubles saw an average of 124 deaths a year. The Vaccines may have caused 5,000 per annum and counting. When you consider how much ill intent and venom went into the deaths of those 3,720 people over a thirty year period, how many bombs and bullets were used, how many plots were hatched, how much more sinister than the troubles is this phenomenon? If intentional, what calibre of person can commit such an act and find others willing to go along with this at the highest levels of society? We must ask ourselves this pertinent question: What kind of society can watch 40 times per annum the number of people that died during the troubles, die prematurely and suddenly in the aftermath of a mass vaccination campaign and not notice it? or worse again, stay silent.
Keep pushing.
Great write up. I do believe one of the ancillary goals, or maybe bonus sequel stories of the intentionally harmful vaccine program, will be a booster for the failing climate change lie.
Also, interesting that Hildey was in America at the same time as egghead Donnelly. Donnelly took his MIT time off his linkedin, and he's more than likely working/contracting for the CIA as per my exposition of his many lies about his past.
Also, and just as important to make note of, is the fact that Hildey Naughton is almost certainly in possession of a cock and balls between her legs.
Thanks for this.